Wo Shang Wai
Yuen Long, New Territories
Comprehensive Development for houses and Wetland Restoration Area at Wo Shang Wai, Yuen Long.
Masterplan Limited assisted Henderson Land Development Company Limited in obtaining development permission at the site. Masterplan Limited also assisted in the discharge of planning approval conditions, submissions in buildings, lands and environmental matters, and advised on planning implications for alternative design schemes.
The application site surrounded by existing residential developments of Palm Springs and Royal Palms at Wo Shang Wai, Yuen Long has been zoned as “Other Specified Uses (Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area)” in the 1990s. The zoning intends for residential purpose, with a requirement that a portion of the site must be developed into a managed wetland with long-term ecological benefits.

A Section 16 application for an innovative comprehensive development combining wetland restoration and residential development has been approved in 2008. It includes a restored wetland with proper management which will increase habitats heterogeneity and also the biodiversity of the area; and provide ecological linkages with the site. The residential development is low-rise, low-density, and substantial landscaping and planting element providing screening from adjacent land uses. Subsequent amendment applications have been made to modify the residential design and to include an on-site sewage treatment plant.
Being one of the first comprehensive developments of this form in Hong Kong, we also assisted the client in addressing the requirement for Environment Conservation Fund with Environmental Protection Department, and the side agreement with Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department.
One of the first public-private initiatives committing to the restored wetland, with long-term ecological benefits.
The development achieved 400 residential houses, which together with the clubhouse are about 46,250 square metres, and a managed wetland of 47,400 square metres. It also entails communal open space, landscape, waterbody, in addition to private gardens.
To ensure efficient land delivery and housing supply not affected by the uncertain public sewerage connection, the client made available an on-site sewage treatment plant.